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How an auction works
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How It Works
Trade only vehicle auctions located across Japan are directly linked to the Showa Trade server. These links provide full data (vehicle specifications, auction sheets, photographs) on every vehicle for sale at each auction. Using this information members are provided with the facility to bid and purchase.

[The Process]

1. You become a Member of the system (Become a Member)
2. On receipt of your password and identification codes you access the various auctions to locate vehicles you would like to bid for. (How Bidding Works at Auction)
3. Using the simple bidding procedure you register bids for chosen cars.
4. When you make a successful purchase you are notified by e-mail and faxed an invoice detailing payment requirements. (Fees & Payments)
5. Upon confirmation of receipt of your payment, receipt of documents from the auction house and completion of various export procedures we ship your vehicle to the port of your choice. (Export Service).

[What We Do]

1. Provide you with the auction data.
2. Check your bids at our office against the auction data to ensure that vehicles will meet your expectations eg there is nothing on the auction sheet that you may have missed that would impact on your desire to purchase or the price you wish to pay. Note: In these circumstances we will usually contact you to discuss the issue. If we are unable to do so we reserve the right to cancel your bid.
3. On a successful purchase handle all aspects of the export from leaving the auction house to getting the vehicle on a boat.

Please note we are an EXPORT COMPANY. We handle things up to the point of getting the vehicle on the boat. We do not handle any aspects of importation of the vehicle into your country. You will need to arrange all aspects of the import of your vehicle either yourself or in consultation with a local import agent.

[What You Must Do]

1. Investigate your local regulations for vehicle importation into your country including allowable vehicles, taxes and fees, document and compliance requirements etc.
2. Become a member. (Become a Member)
3. Forward prompt payment as specified in the Terms and Conditions.
4. Import the vehicle.

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®Copyright 2003, Showa Trade CO.,LTD.